what is fritzing ? []
Create my part @frizing
Reference : []
- preparation materials
- 2D Tool : be able to support a file type of '*.svg' as like Inkscape []
- Download and Install : fritzing version upto 0.7.x (verion 0.7.2 is used.)
- Download font and tmeplates : []
- Hardware demension : as like
- Hardware Pin : as like
Do it
- Draw grahpics and save file type of '*.svg'
- for Breadboard View : Refer to BreadboardViewGraphic_Template on "FontsAndTempllates/Templates"
- for Schemetic View : Refer to PCBViewGraphic_Template on "FontsAndTempllates/Templates"
- for PCB View : Refer to SchemeticViewGraphic_Template on "FontsAndTempllates/Templates"
Use fonts in "FontsAndTempllates/Fonts"; DroidSans, OCR A
Creat a New Part
- open the Fritzing application and Part > Create a New part
- load images in each tab; Breadbaord(left), Schemetic(middle) and PCB(right)
- input metadata information in metadata tab; Title, data, Author, Descriptoin, Label...
add connectors and set connector of type, name and desciption in connectors tab
Load New part
- open Frizting application
- Click part>load in menu bar
- load pre-make "*.fzpz"
- enjoy your project
WIZ550io.fzpz Link
I ~~will upload~~ have uploaded WIZ550io.fzpz on gitHub and attch link.
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