2014년 7월 31일 목요일

New on the Shed—the Light Blue Bean | MAKE



New on the Shed—the Light Blue Bean | MAKE.

  • Arduino compatible board with built-in Bluetooth LE

  • 8 digital I/O ping


  • 3-axis acceleromete

Guide: http://punchthrough.com/bean/getting-started/

Tutorial: http://punchthrough.com/bean/examples/

Nice name and compact device!

2014년 7월 29일 화요일

The Microsoft Sharks Cove — doomed before it ships? | MAKE


Microsoft Sharks

The Microsoft Sharks Cove — doomed before it ships? | MAKE.

Arduino library path in Linux?

After installing Arduino IDE 1.0.x, use scripts as follows,

cat /usr/bin/arduino | grep APPDIR

It return "APPDIR=/usr/share/arduino"

 $:ls /usr/share/arduino/

arduinopc.jar  examples  hardware  lib  libraries  reference  tools

Then, add user's library on "libraries" folder.



2014년 7월 24일 목요일

Digilent Inc. - Digital Design Engineer's Source

Digilent Inc. - Digital Design Engineer's Source

Arduino™ "Mega" form factor

Compatible with many Arduino™ shields

83 available I/O

User LED

Connects to a PC using a USB A -> mini B cable (not included)

via Digilent Inc. - Digital Design Engineer's Source.

MakerBot Mini: A Smaller 3D Printer You Can Maybe Actually Afford


MaketBot Mini



MakerBot Mini: A Smaller 3D Printer You Can Maybe Actually Afford.


The new printer incorporates all of the wonderful features of the other two new Replicator, including the color LCD display, the camera, and ethernet/wireless capabilities, but allows makers to print more than just tiny components. 

ChainDuino by Michael Tedeschi — Kickstarter



ChainDuino by Michael Tedeschi — Kickstarter.

Daisy-Chainable, Arduino-Compatible by using built-in RS-485 circuity

2014년 7월 22일 화요일

Raspberry Pi model B+ v/s Raspberry Pi model B: What's New!


Raspberry Pi Model B/B+

Raspberry Pi model B+ v/s Raspberry Pi model B: What's New!.

LG's rollable TVs are (predictably) very flexible


rollable TV

LG's rollable TVs are (predictably) very flexible.

They're getting more real every day.

Fitbit joins hands with Tory Burch, ETC News: Fitbit Launches 4 Wearables That Help You Track Your Fitness In Style!


fitbit Tory Burch

Fitbit joins hands with Tory Burch, ETC News: Fitbit Launches 4 Wearables That Help You Track Your Fitness In Style!.

Fitbti, an USA fitness wearables company, meets with Tory Burch and launched the chic accessories on July 15.

SE SP-01の“あっ”と驚く活用法:GR-KURUMIで高性能デバイスを制御&デバッ グ! - EDN Japan



SE SP-01の“あっ”と驚く活用法:GR-KURUMIで高性能デバイスを制御&デバッグ! - EDN Japan.


 GR-KURUMIのGRは「Gadget Renesas」(がじぇっとるねさす)が提供する小型のリファレンスボードです。超低消費電力マイコンであるRL78が搭載され、ピンク色の基板に女の子の顔がシルク印刷されていてLEDの髪留めがチャーミングです。GR-KURUMIの基板サイズや、外部拡張端子はArduino Pro Mini(アルドゥイーノ・プロ・ミニ)互換で設計されており、その小型なパッケージングから、ホビー用途から、はてはアートへの組み込みマイコンとして幅広く活躍しています。また、開発環境はWebアプリを使ったクラウド・コンパイル環境(Renesas Web Compiler)を実現しており、極めて低コストでマイコン開発を始めることができるようになっているのも幅広いユーザー層の支持を得ています。

2014년 7월 21일 월요일

Yahoo!ニュース - 3D印刷 個人メーカーが続々(2014年7月21日(月) 掲載)


3d printer service

Yahoo!ニュース - 3D印刷 個人メーカーが続々(2014年7月21日(月) 掲載).


グーグル「Cardboard」で工作の時間--段ボール製VRヘッドセットの組み立て方 - CNET Japan


VR head set

グーグル「Cardboard」で工作の時間--段ボール製VRヘッドセットの組み立て方 - CNET Japan.

Nest, Samsung and ARM form home automation protocol, Thread



Nest, Samsung and ARM form home automation protocol, Thread.



Although the company itself may be a new non-profit, the group was created as a joint effort between Google-owned Nest Labs, Samsung, ARM, Freescale, Silicon Labs, Yale Security and Big Ass Fans. Thread’s goal is the creation of a wireless IP-based networking protocol that promises easy, reliable cloud access for all the hardware and appliances in your home. Interestingly enough, existing Nest thermostats and smoke detectors already reportedly run on an early version of the upcoming protocol.

The perfect Remote, Programmable, Controller for interactive LED strips | Open Electronics


LED strips

The perfect Remote, Programmable, Controller for interactive LED strips | Open Electronics.

Using Breakout Board for ADMP401 MEMS Microphone on pcDuino | LinkSprite Learning Center



Using Breakout Board for ADMP401 MEMS Microphone on pcDuino | LinkSprite Learning Center.

2014년 7월 17일 목요일

Imagination launches the world's smallest GPU for Android Wear


Mainstream wearables Soc

Imagination launches the world's smallest GPU for Android Wear.


Imagination Technologies has introduced a new PowerVR GPU that is targeted specifically at wearables, IoT, and other small embedded applications that require OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics. The silicon for the GPU takes up just 0.55 mm2 (post layout) on a 28nm manufacturing process. According to Imagination that makes it the smallest OpenGL ES 2.0 GPU capable of running Android and Android Wear.

2014년 7월 16일 수요일

Installing Smoothieboard in a 3D printer - Hackster.io

Installing Smoothieboard in a 3D printer - Hackster.io.

on smoothieware.org

Probably the machine for which Smoothie is most used, due to its roots in the RepRap project, 3D

DoorBot - Hackster.io



DoorBot - Hackster.io

Spark Core
Push Button (Breadboard)
433MHz Transmitter
A couple pull down resistors

Intel Galileo Gen 2 Coming Soon » Makerflux

INTEL galileo gen 2

Intel Galileo Gen 2 Coming Soon » Makerflux.

Intel Quark SoC X1000 application processor, a 32-bit, single core, single-thread, Pentium® instruction set architecture (ISA)-compatible CPU, operating at speeds up to 400 MHz.

Support for a wide range of industry standard I/O interfaces, including a full-sized mini-PCI Express* slot, 100 Mb Ethernet port, Micro-SD slot, USB host port, and USB client port.

256 MByte DDR3, 512 KByte embedded SRAM, 8 Mbyte NOR Flash, and 8 Kbit EEPROM standard on the board, plus support for MicroSD card up to 32 MB.

Hardware-/pin-compatibility with a wide range of Arduino Uno R3 shields.

Programmable through the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) that is supported on Microsoft Windows*, Mac OS*, and Linux host operating systems.

Support for Yocto 1.4 Poky Linux release.

Flora UV Index Sensor - Si1145 Light Sensor ID: 1981 - $8.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits


Si1145 Light Sensor

Flora UV Index Sensor - Si1145 Light Sensor ID: 1981 - $8.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits.

To use: connect the 3V, SDA and SCL, and GND pads of the sensor to your Flora 3V/SDA/SCL/GND pads, in that order. Then load up our Arduino library and example code from the classic Breakout tutorial to your Flora.

2014년 7월 15일 화요일





Designed specifically for the home

Robust self-healing mesh network

No single point of failure

Interoperable by design using proven, open standards and IPv6 technology with 6LoWPAN as the foundation

Requires just a software enhancement for today’s 802.15.4 products

WIZ Ethernet Library for Arduino IDE 1.5.7


The Ethernet library lets you connect to the Internet or a local network.

Supported devices

  • ioShield, WIZ550io (used in W5500)

  • W5200 Ethernet Shield, WIZ820io (used in W5200)

  • Ethernet Shield (used in W5100)



Install WIZ Ethernet library

Download all files and overwrite onto the"Arduino\libraries\Ethernet" folder in your project in sketch.
- Ethernet folder has two folers, examples and src folers.

Select device(shield)

Uncomment device(shiel) you want to use.

[code lang=cpp]
#ifndef W5100_H_INCLUDED
#define W5100_H_INCLUDED

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

typedef uint8_t SOCKET;
//#define W5100_ETHERNET_SHIELD
//#define W5200_ETHERNET_SHIELD

Using the WIZ Ethernet library and evaluate existing Ethernet example.

All other steps are the same as the steps from the Arduino Ethernet Shield.
You can use examples in ./Ethernet/examples folder for the Arduino IDE 1.5.7, go to Files->Examples->Ethernet, open any example, then copy it to your sketch file and change configuration values properly.
After that, you can check if it is work well. For example, if you choose 'WebServer', you should change IP Address first and compile and download it. Then you can access web server page through your web browser of your PC or something.

Revision History

Initial Release : 15 Jul. 2014

2014년 7월 14일 월요일

Arduino syntax file - Syntax file for Arduino .PDE files : vim online

Arduino syntax file - Syntax file for Arduino .PDE files : vim online.

This syntax file provides syntax highlighting like the Arduino IDE. That is, Arduino specific names like digitalWrite is highlighted in addition to C++ syntax. 

  1. copy arduino.vim to /plugs and /syntax folder

  2. To force C like syntax highlighting to arduino .ino files, you can add the following lines to your ~/.vimrc file:

syntax on
filetype on

au BufRead,BufNewFile *.pde set filetype=arduin
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ino set filetype=arduino

3D Printer DIY

3ders.org - price compare 3D printers.

Price compare - 3D printers

TRS Drawbot | MAKE

TRS Drawbot | MAKE.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gvkEeRP8Yk&w=620&h=349]

Build a drawing robot using two servo motors operated by any audio player.

2014년 7월 10일 목요일

Control Google Glass with your mind... and a second headset


MindRDR serves as the bridge that connects the two, translating the brain activity from the EEG biosensor into executable commands for the high-tech eyewear.

via Control Google Glass with your mind... and a second headset.

Sonos now streams SoundCloud music collections

Sonos now streams SoundCloud music collections.


Python Simple Script for WIZ107SR

Source Github Link


WIZ107SR is a gateway module that converts serial protocol (RS-232) into TCP/IP protocol by using W7100A.

Link WIZ107SR materials - WIZ107SR

SW - Download & Install

Script descriptions - TCPClient

  • Init. serial port number and baudrate

[code lang=c]
serial.Serial("COM1", 57600)

  • Change to serial commond mode

Change to serial command mode; when serial command switch code is '123'.
Just only input serial command mode switch code of 3bytes without '\r\n'.
Serial command mode switch code is set by using ConfigTool.

[code lang=c]

  • Setting TCPClient mode

[code lang=c]
ser.write(b'LP5000rn') # Source port number : ex.) 5000
ser.write(b'RP3000rn') # TCP server port number : ex.) 3000
ser.write(b'RH192.168.10.100rn') # TCP server IP address : ex.) ''
ser.write(b'OP0rn') # Set TCP Client mode : OP0 - TCPClinet
ser.write(b'SVrn') # Save Setting
ser.write(b'RTrn') # Reboot

  • Send

[code lang=c]

  • recv

[code lang=c]
serial_recv_buf = 10
line = ser.read(serial_recv_buf)

FAQ; How know the status of TCP connections ?

We can know the TCP connection by using 8pin.

In the initial time, this pin is INPUT for Hardware Trigger(for
serial command mode). After that, this pin is OUTPUT for
connection status. When the connection is established, this pin
goes Low. And, it will go HIGH when connection is closed.

2014년 7월 4일 금요일

AT Commands for Serial-to-Ethernet, WIZ107SR

WIZ107SR is a gateway module that converts serial protocol (RS-232) into TCP/IP protocol by using W7100A.

WIZ107SR Link (More detail)

## Simple Commands for WIZ107SR AT_COMMAND

  • Setting for TCP Server
    //after Network Config.
    LP5000\r\n    //Set Local port '5000'
    OP1\r\n    //Set TCP Server mode
    SV\r\n    //Save Setting
    RT\r\n    //Reboot

  • Setting for TCP Client
    //after Network Config.
    LP5000\r\n    //Set Local port '5000'
    RP3000\r\n    //Set TCP server port '3000'
    RH192.168.10.100\r\n    //Set TCP server IP ''
    OP0\r\n    //Set TCP Client mode
    SV\r\n    //Save Setting
    RT\r\n    //Reboot

  • Setting for UDP 
    LP5000\r\n    //Set Local port '5000'
    RP3000\r\n    //Set UDP Port '3000'
    RH192.168.10.100\r\n    //Set UDP Peer IP ''
    OP3\r\n    //Set UDP mode
    SV\r\n    //Save Setting
    RT\r\n    //Reboot
