For GR-KURUMI WiFi shield, WizFi250 is select as WiFi module which provides UART-to-WiFi and SPI-to-WiFi.
To test simply, FI250 library which is selected UART interface for Host Interface is used as WiFi Library.
Ref. : Comparison of WizFi250 (WiFi Module) Shield / Library in WIZnet and Seeeduino
GR-KURUMI and WizFi250 could be connect to "Serial1": serial1 is UART interfae which is consist TXD(7) and RXD.(8) as below GR-KURUMI Pin map.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="910"] GR-KURUMI Pin Map[/caption]
1. Hardware
- Hardware conntections
GR-KURUMI | WizFi250 |
7 | TXD:JP2 |
8 | RXD:JP2 |
VCC | TP2 |
Follow these steps to connect the actual, is as shown in the following figure.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="233"] 1. prepare GR-KURUMI, WizFi250, WizFi250-EVB, FTDI board, Bread board, Ext. Anttena[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="233"] 2. connect TP2 to 3.3V in JP5 for 3.3 power input of GR-KURUMI[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="229"] 3. Wiz250 (WiFi Shield) bottom for GR-KURUMI: Connect TXD@JP2 to AD1@JP7 and Connect RXD@JP2 to AD0@JP7[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="230"] 4.1 Interface board (WiFi Shield) top for GR-KURUMI[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="223"] 4.2 Interface board (WiFi Shield) bottom for GR-KURUMI : Red : 3.3V / White : GND / Green : RXD / Yellow : TXD / Blue: WizFi250 RESET[/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="224"] 5. Stack up with Wiz250 (WiFi Shield), Interface board and GR-KURUMI[/caption]
2. Software
* Library
I forked Fi250 Library at Fi250 Webpage.
Lib. is modified for GR-KURUMI and added some function.
Lib. is upload at Github :
* IDE : IDE for GR 0.4.0
3. programming and debugging interface
* programming interface
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="339"] GR-KURUMI Programming[/caption]
* debugging interface : USB Interface (power & USART1)
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="345"] WizFi250-EVB[/caption]
4. Set Sketch: wizfi250_test.ino
__Before setting wizfi250 example, you should be import the WizFi250 Lib. at IDE for GR. __
#define SSID "STEST" //Input SSID
#define KEY "87654321" // Input Password
#define AUTH "WPA2" // Input Encrytion Type
#define wizfi250_rst 9 // Chech and Set wizfi250 hw reset pin
- Demo: Debugging Messages
AT+WSEC=0,WPA2,wiznet--- // password
Already Associated : Station Mode
STA/3PA-W/ //DHCP IP address and Info... from AP
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