2013년 12월 5일 목요일

IPv6 Launch


2013년 11월 28일 목요일

2013년 11월 21일 목요일

IoT에 사용되는 통신 기술들 정리된 그림


원글을 다 읽어봐도 좋을 듯

(via : (IoT) Needs to Become a Reality - Freescale Semiconductor)

난 그림이 좋으니까 그림 두개 캡쳐해서 보관..


화질이 안좋은가~~ ^^그림 포스팅 하고 다시 링크..

2013년 11월 10일 일요일

Different Insight: 6LoWPAN 최신 동향


(via :::[전송통신] IPv6 망에서 압축 관련 표준화 동향:::)

일차는 마무리..이차적인 여러망으로의 확장과..실제 적용되는 문제에 대한 논의를 6lo에서 계속 논의.. 머 이런건가?

1. 6lo(IPv6 over network of resource-constrained nodes) 6lo는 센서와 같이 제안된 CPU와 메모리, 그리고 제한된 전력 자원을 가진 장치들로 구성된 네트워크에서 IPv6를 지원하기 위한 방법을 제공하기 위하여 제안되었다. 실제로 IPv6에서 요구하는 최대 전송 단위인…

Different Insight: 6LoWPAN 최신 동향

2013년 11월 1일 금요일

개방형 IOT 플랫폼 기술 동향


(via 개방형 IOT 플랫폼 기술 동향 by Cass Choi on Prezi)

IoT 플랫폼 기술 전반에 대한 좋은 설명 자료..별로 오래 걸리지도 않는다

찬찬히 고민해보자

2013년 10월 24일 목요일

Dustmotes: Wireless Sensor/Actuator Network

Dustmotes: Wireless Sensor/Actuator Network

Espruino: JavaScript for Things

Espruino: JavaScript for Things

2013년 10월 14일 월요일

Wireless Camera with Arduino and the Adafruit CC3000 breakout board

Wireless Camera with Arduino and the Adafruit CC3000 breakout board

2013년 10월 13일 일요일

Windmills Get Brilliant: Big Data Gives Wind More Power



by GE Reports

Ever since GE wind turbines started popping up around the world a decade ago, engineers kept adding hardware and upgrading software to make them more productive. Andy Holt, general manager for projects and services at GE Renewable Energy, says that the advent of big data and the secure industrial cloud now allow engineers to take the next step.

Read More

WeIO (“Web of Things”)

  • Design PARIS

  • Qualcomm Atheros and ARM Cortex-M0 processor

  • providing GPIO, Analog to Digital convertor, PWM signal generator and native interfaces for Serial, i2c and SPI interfaces

  • OpenWRT Linux

  • Python (WebSocket server designed to allow you to build an asynchonuous event-driven web app using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript) as Like the BeagleBone’s

Ref. : http://we-io.net/index.html

2013년 10월 3일 목요일

The Intel Galileo board. (Image by Matt Richardson)

Intel and Arduino’s announcement about the new Galileo board is big news. It’s a Linux-based board that I’ve found to be remarkably compatible with the Arduino ecosystem based on my first few steps with a prerelease version of the board. Here are some of the best features of this groundbreaking collaboration between Intel and Arduino:


2013년 9월 30일 월요일

IPv6 Header cheat sheet (via http://packetlife.net/media/library/8/IPv6.pdf)

more some detail version

here : http://www.roesen.org/files/ipv6_cheat_sheet.pdf

much better version

here : http://ipv6.co.hu/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/IPv6-Cheat-Sheet.pdf

Xmega WebServer Board

Xmega WebServer Board

  • ATxmega256A3 with 256 KB flash and 16 KB SRAM

  • Four pushbuttons and four LEDs

  • Plug-in display module, three lines of sixteen characters, with LED backlight

  • RS-485 driver with screw terminals for A and B signals, plus 12 V and GND (ElektorBus compatible)

  • Optional header for attaching FTDI USB-to-TTL cable

  • Optional header for Elektor BOB USB-to-TTL converter module

  • Additional UART pins brought out to optional mini-DIN socket

  • Optional headers for connection to almost all pins of the microcontroller

  • MicroSD card slot connected to SPI interface

  • Socket for WIZ820io module, available from Elektor (# 130076-91)

  • Embedded extension connector with three ADC inputs, two GPIOs, SPI and I2C on a 14-pin (2x7) header, range of expansion boards available from Elektor

  • Printed circuit board fits Hammond enclosure 1598REGY and RS part number 220-995

  • Programmable using low-cost AVRISP programmer and free Atmel Studio software

  • Software library in C for all peripheral modules available for free download

Xmega WebServer Board

Xmega WebServer Board

  • ATxmega256A3 with 256 KB flash and 16 KB SRAM

  • Four pushbuttons and four LEDs

  • Plug-in display module, three lines of sixteen characters, with LED backlight

  • RS-485 driver with screw terminals for A and B signals, plus 12 V and GND (ElektorBus compatible)

  • Optional header for attaching FTDI USB-to-TTL cable

  • Optional header for Elektor BOB USB-to-TTL converter module

  • Additional UART pins brought out to optional mini-DIN socket

  • Optional headers for connection to almost all pins of the microcontroller

  • MicroSD card slot connected to SPI interface

  • Socket for WIZ820io module, available from Elektor (# 130076-91)

  • Embedded extension connector with three ADC inputs, two GPIOs, SPI and I2C on a 14-pin (2x7) header, range of expansion boards available from Elektor

  • Printed circuit board fits Hammond enclosure 1598REGY and RS part number 220-995

  • Programmable using low-cost AVRISP programmer and free Atmel Studio software

  • Software library in C for all peripheral modules available for free download

2013년 9월 29일 일요일

Neighbor Discovery

Neighbor Discovery Processes

  • Router discovery : Router Solicitation, Router Adverstisement

  • Prefix discovery : Distinguish onlink vs off link

  • Parameter discovery : additional operational parms

  • Address auto configuration : DHCP

  • Address resolution : Neighbor Solicitation, Neighbor Advertisement

  • Next-hop determination

  • Neighbor unreachability detection

  • Duplicate address detection

  • Redirect function : Better next hop

Neighbor Discovery Messages

  • Router Solicitation (133)

  • Router Advertisement (134)

  • Neighbor Solicitation (135)

  • Neighbor Advertisement (136)

  • Redirect (137)

All are accomplished by ICMP messages

Summary of ND Message and Options

  • Router Solicitation

    • Source Link-Layer Address

  • Router Advertisement

    • Source Link-Layer Address

    • Prefix Information

    • MTU

    • Advertisement Interval

    • Home Agent Information

    • Router Information

  • Neighbor Solicitation

    • Source Link-Layer Address

  • Neighbor Advertisement

    • Target Link-Layer Address

  • Redirect

    • Redirected Header

    • Target Link-Layer Address

Neighbor Discovery Processes

  • Address resolution (including duplicate address detection)

  • Router discovery (including prefix and parameter discovery)

  • Neighbor unreachability detection

  • Redirect function

Address Resolution Process

  • An exchange of NS and NA messages to resolve the link-layer address of the next-hop address

    • Multicast Neighbor Solicitation message

    • Unicast Neighbor Advertisement message

  • Both hosts update their neighbor caches

  • Unicast traffic can now be sent

Address Resolution Message

Host A - MAC: 00-10-5A-AA-20-A2 / IP : FE80::210:5AFF:FEAA:20A2

Host B - MAC: 00-60-97-02-6E-A5 / IP: FE80::260:97FF:FE02:6EA5

  1. Multicast Neighbor Solicitation
    Ethernet Header
    Destination MAC is 33-33-FF-02-6E-A5 (Ethernet Multicast Address)
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is FE80::210:5AFF:FEAA:20A2
    Destination Address is FF02::1:FF02:6EA5 (Solited-node Address)
    Hop limit is 255
    Neighbor Solicitation Header
    Target Address is FE80::260:97FF:FE02:6EA5
    Neighbor Discovery Option
    Source Link-Layer Address is 00-10-5A-AA-20-A2

  2. Unicast Neighbor Advertisement
    Ethernet Header
    Destination MAC is 00-10-5A-AA-20-A2
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is FE80::260:97FF:FE02:6EA5
    Destination Address is FE80::210:5AFF:FEAA:20A2
    Hop limit is 255
    Neighbor Solicitation Header
    Target Address is FE80::260:97FF:FE02:6EA5
    Neighbor Discovery Option
    Source Link-Layer Address is 00-60-97-02-6E-A5

Neighbor Unreachability Detection

  • A neighboring node is reachable if:

    • There has been a recent confirmation that IPv6 packets sent were received and processed by the neighboring node

  • Detects whether the first hop to the destination is reachable

  • Reachability is determined by:

    • Receipt of a Neighbor Advertisement message in response to a unicast Neighbor Solicitation message

    • Upper layer protocol indicators

Neighbor Unreachability States

Neighbor Unreachability States

from IPv6 Addressing (TechRef)

Duplicate Adddress Detection

Host A - Tentative IP: FEC0::2:260:8FF:FE52:F9D8

Host B - MAC: 00-60-08-52-F9-D8 / IP: FEC0::2:260:8FF:FE52:F9D8

  1. Multicast Neighbor Solicitation message
    Ethernet Header
    Dest MAC is 33-33-FF-52-F9-D8 (Ethernet Multicast Address)
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is :: (Unspecified address)
    Destination Address is FF02::1:FF52:F9D8 (Solited-node Address)
    Hop limit is 255
    Neighbor Solicitation Header
    Target Address is FEC0::2:260:8FF:FE52:F9D8

  2. Multicast Neighbor Advertisement message
    Ethernet Header
    Destination MAC is 33-33-00-00-00-01 (Ethernet Multicast Address)
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is FEC0::2:260:8FF:FE52:F9D8
    Destination Address is FF02::1 (All-nodes multicast address)
    Hop limit is 255
    Neighbor Advertisement Header
    Target Address is FEC0::2:260:8FF:FE52:F9D8
    Neighbor Discovery Option
    Target Link-Layer Address is 00-60-08-52-F9-D8

Router Discovery

  • Nodes discover the set of routers on the local link

  • IPv6 router discovery also provides:

    • Default value of Hop Limit field

    • Use of stateful address protocol

    • Reachability and retransmission timers

    • Network prefixes for the link

    • MTU of the local link

    • IPv6 mobility information

    • Routes

Router Discovery Message

Host A - MAC: 00-B0-D0-E9-41-43 / IP: none
Router - MAC: 00-10-FF-D6-58-C0 / IP: FE80::210:FFFF:FED6:58C0

  1. Multicast Router Solicitation Message
    Ethernet Header
    Destination MAC is 33-33-00-00-00-02 (Ethernet Multicast Address)
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is :: (Unspecified address)
    Destination Address is FF02::2 (All node Multicast Address)
    Hop limit is 255
    Router Solicitation Header

  2. Multicast Router Advertisement Message
    Ethernet Header
    Destination MAC is 33-33-00-00-00-01 (Ethernet Multicast Address)
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is FE80::210:FFFF:FED6:58C0
    Destination Address is FF02::1 (All node Multicast Address)
    Hop limit is 255
    Router Advertisement Header
    Current Hop Limit, Flags,
    Router Lifetime,
    Reachable and Retransmission Timers
    Neighbor Discovery Options
    Source Link-Layer Address is 00-10-FF-D6-58-C0
    MTU is 1500
    Prefix Information is for FEC0:0:0:F282::/64


1. Neighbor Discovery

2. TCP/IP Fundamentals for microsoft windows

3. IPv6 Addressing

4. IPv6 Neighbor Discovery

Neighbor Discovery

Neighbor Discovery Processes

  • Router discovery : Router Solicitation, Router Adverstisement

  • Prefix discovery  : Distinguish onlink vs off link

  • Parameter discovery : additional operational parms

  • Address auto configuration : DHCP

  • Address resolution : Neighbor Solicitation, Neighbor Advertisement

  • Next-hop determination

  • Neighbor unreachability detection

  • Duplicate address detection

  • Redirect function : Better next hop

Neighbor Discovery Messages

  • Router Solicitation (133)

  • Router Advertisement (134)

  • Neighbor Solicitation (135)

  • Neighbor Advertisement (136)

  • Redirect (137)
    > All are accomplished by ICMP messages

Summary of ND Message and Options

  • Router Solicitation

    • Source Link-Layer Address

  • Router Advertisement

    • Source Link-Layer Address

    • Prefix Information

    • MTU

    • Advertisement Interval

    • Home Agent Information

    • Router Information

  • Neighbor Solicitation

    • Source Link-Layer Address

  • Neighbor Advertisement

    • Target Link-Layer Address

  • Redirect

    • Redirected Header

    • Target Link-Layer Address

Neighbor Discovery Processes

  • Address resolution (including duplicate address detection)

  • Router discovery (including prefix and parameter discovery)

  • Neighbor unreachability detection

  • Redirect function

Address Resolution Process

  • An exchange of NS and NA messages to resolve the link-layer address of the next-hop address

    • Multicast Neighbor Solicitation message

    • Unicast Neighbor Advertisement message

  • Both hosts update their neighbor caches

  • Unicast traffic can now be sent

Address Resolution Message

Host A - MAC: 00-10-5A-AA-20-A2 / IP : FE80::210:5AFF:FEAA:20A2
Host B - MAC: 00-60-97-02-6E-A5 / IP: FE80::260:97FF:FE02:6EA5

  1. Multicast Neighbor Solicitation

    Ethernet Header
    Destination MAC is 33-33-FF-02-6E-A5 (Ethernet Multicast Address)
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is FE80::210:5AFF:FEAA:20A2
    Destination Address is FF02::1:FF02:6EA5 (Solited-node Address)
    Hop limit is 255
    Neighbor Solicitation Header
    Target Address is FE80::260:97FF:FE02:6EA5
    Neighbor Discovery Option
    Source Link-Layer Address is 00-10-5A-AA-20-A2

  2. Unicast Neighbor Advertisement

    Ethernet Header
    Destination MAC is 00-10-5A-AA-20-A2
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is FE80::260:97FF:FE02:6EA5
    Destination Address is FE80::210:5AFF:FEAA:20A2
    Hop limit is 255
    Neighbor Solicitation Header
    Target Address is FE80::260:97FF:FE02:6EA5
    Neighbor Discovery Option
    Source Link-Layer Address is 00-60-97-02-6E-A5

Neighbor Unreachability Detection

  • A neighboring node is reachable if:

    • There has been a recent confirmation that IPv6 packets sent were received and processed by the neighboring node

  • Detects whether the first hop to the destination is reachable

  • Reachability is determined by:

    • Receipt of a Neighbor Advertisement message in response to a unicast Neighbor Solicitation message

    • Upper layer protocol indicators

Neighbor Unreachability States

Neighbor Unreachability States
from IPv6 Addressing (TechRef)

Duplicate Adddress Detection

Host A - Tentative IP: FEC0::2:260:8FF:FE52:F9D8
Host B - MAC: 00-60-08-52-F9-D8 / IP: FEC0::2:260:8FF:FE52:F9D8

  1. Multicast Neighbor Solicitation message

    Ethernet Header
    Dest MAC is 33-33-FF-52-F9-D8 (Ethernet Multicast Address)
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is :: (Unspecified address)
    Destination Address is FF02::1:FF52:F9D8 (Solited-node Address)
    Hop limit is 255
    Neighbor Solicitation Header
    Target Address is FEC0::2:260:8FF:FE52:F9D8

  2. Multicast Neighbor Advertisement message

    Ethernet Header
    Destination MAC is 33-33-00-00-00-01 (Ethernet Multicast Address)
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is FEC0::2:260:8FF:FE52:F9D8
    Destination Address is FF02::1 (All-nodes multicast address)
    Hop limit is 255
    Neighbor Advertisement Header
    Target Address is FEC0::2:260:8FF:FE52:F9D8
    Neighbor Discovery Option
    Target Link-Layer Address is 00-60-08-52-F9-D8

Router Discovery

  • Nodes discover the set of routers on the local link

  • IPv6 router discovery also provides:

    • Default value of Hop Limit field

    • Use of stateful address protocol

    • Reachability and retransmission timers

    • Network prefixes for the link

    • MTU of the local link

    • IPv6 mobility information

    • Routes

Router Discovery Message

Host A - MAC: 00-B0-D0-E9-41-43 / IP: none
Router - MAC: 00-10-FF-D6-58-C0 / IP: FE80::210:FFFF:FED6:58C0

  1. Multicast Router Solicitation Message

    Ethernet Header
    Destination MAC is 33-33-00-00-00-02 (Ethernet Multicast Address)
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is :: (Unspecified address)
    Destination Address is FF02::2 (All node Multicast Address)
    Hop limit is 255
    Router Solicitation Header

  2. Multicast Router Advertisement Message

    Ethernet Header
    Destination MAC is 33-33-00-00-00-01 (Ethernet Multicast Address)
    IPv6 Header
    Source Address is FE80::210:FFFF:FED6:58C0
    Destination Address is FF02::1 (All node Multicast Address)
    Hop limit is 255
    Router Advertisement Header
    Current Hop Limit, Flags,
    Router Lifetime,
    Reachable and Retransmission Timers
    Neighbor Discovery Options
    Source Link-Layer Address is 00-10-FF-D6-58-C0
    MTU is 1500
    Prefix Information is for FEC0:0:0:F282::/64

1. Neighbor Discovery
2. TCP/IP Fundamentals for microsoft windows
3. IPv6 Addressing
4. IPv6 Neighbor Discovery

2013년 9월 25일 수요일



  • DHCPv6 clients listen on port 546, servers and relays listen on port 547

  • DHCPv6 clients and servers (relays) communicate via link-local multicast addresses

    • All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers and All_DHCP_Servers multicast addresses are used

All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers : FF02:0:0:0:0:0:1:2(All-dhcp-agents)
IPv6 multicast MAC addresses : 33:33:00:01:00:02

DHCPv6 to DHCPv4 Message Comparison

-DHCPv6 Message Type                  -DHCPv4 Message Type 
CONFIRM (4) none
RELAY-FORW (12) none
RELAY-REPLY (13) none

Client Identification

  • DHCPv6 DUID (DHCP Unique Identifier) as defined in RFC3315

    • Link-layer address plus time - generated and stored at startup

    • Link-layer - generally used if network interface is permanent or unchangeable

    • Vendor assigned unique identifier based on enterprise identifier

DHCPv6 Type

  • Stateless DHCPv6

    • Two message exchange (INFORMATION-REQUEST, REPLY) between a DHCPv6 client and server
          Server  Client
      | ----> | REPLY
      V V

  • Stateful DHCPv6

    • Four message exchange (SOLICIT, ADVERTISE, REQUEST, REPLY)

    • Rapid Commit may be employed which uses only two message (SOLICIT, REPLY)
          Server  Client
      | <---- | SOLICIT (Rapid Commit)
      | ----> | ADVERTISE
      | <---- | REQUEST
      | ----> | REPLY (Rapid Commit)
      V V

VS1053 Codec

  • VS1053 Codec + MicroSD Breakout - MP3/WAV/MIDI/OGG Play + Record - v2

Ref. URL

2013년 9월 16일 월요일

AutoConfigured Address State

Autoconfigured addresses are in one or more of the following states:

  • Tentative
    The address is in the process of being verified as unique. Verification occurs through duplicate address detection.
    ‘Tentative’뜻 처럼 잠정적인 주소로 유일한 주소인지 확인 절차에 쓰인다. DAD를 통해 Verifacation이 이루어진다.

  • Preferred
    An address for which uniqueness has been verified. A node can send and receive unicast traffic to and from a preferred address. Router Advertisement messages include the period of time that an address can remain in the tentative and preferred states.
    ‘Preferred’뜻 처럼 선취권이 있는 주소로 유일한 주소로 확인된 주소이다. 어떤 노드는 preferred 주소을 할당받은 다른 노드와의 송수신이 가능하다. RA는 tentaive와 preferred state를 유지할 수 있는 주기(period time)을 포함한다.

  • Deprecated
    An address that is still valid but whose use is discouraged for new communication. Existing communication sessions can continue to use a deprecated address. Nodes can send and receive unicast traffic to and from deprecated addresses.
    ‘Deprecated’뜻 처럼 사라질 주소로 여전히 Valid한 주소이지만, 새로운 통신을 위해 주소의 사용하지 못하게 한다.

  • Valid
    An address from which unicast traffic can be sent and received. The valid state covers both the preferred and deprecated states. Router Advertisement messages include the amount of time that an address remains in the valid state. The valid lifetime must be longer than or equal to the preferred lifetime.
    ‘Valid’뜻 처럼 유효한 주소로 이 주소를 이용한 unicast의 송수신이 가능한다. Valid State는 Preferred와 Deprecate State를 커버한다. RA는 tentaive와 preferred state를 유지할 수 있는 주기(period time)을 포함한다. Valie lifetime은 Preferred Lifeime이상으로 길어야 한다.

  • Invalid
    An address for which a node can no longer send or receive unicast traffic. An address enters the invalid state after the valid lifetime expires.
    ‘Invalid’처럼 더 이상 unicast의 송수신을 할 수 없는 유효하지 않은 주소이다. Valid lifetime이 만료되면 Invalid State상태로 들어간다.

The following figure shows the relationship between the states of an autoconfigured address and the preferred and valid lifetimes.

States of an Autoconfigured Address

With the exception of link-local addresses, address autoconfiguration is specified only for hosts. Routers must obtain address and configuration parameters through another means (for example, manual configuration).
링크 로컬 주소를 제외한 주소 자동 구성은 호스트에 대해서만 지정된다. 라우터는 다른 수단을 통해(ex. Manual Configuration) 주소와 구성 매개 변수를 얻어야 한다.

Ref: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd392266(v=ws.10).aspx




  • Core board of Microduino series

  • Main chip: ATmega328P/ATmega168PA

  • Compatible with Arduino Uno, the same hardware architect as Uno.

  • UPin-27: Microduino standard interface

  • Shield : WiFi, Ethenret, BT, 2.4GHz RF, GPS…

2013년 9월 15일 일요일



Compared to the old image, this one has some advantages:
- It is easier to resize as the root partition is the last one
- Compressed image is much smaller
- Reproducible image build, so easy to customize
- floating point support, so could be faster
- 5200 successfully built packages from openSUSE:Factory:ARM

2013년 9월 12일 목요일


By Nicole Lee posted Sep 11th, 2013 at 9:13 PM


  • 14-inch display with 1,366 x 768 resolution

  • 0.81-inch thin

  • weighs in at a whopping 4.08 pounds

  • battery that promises up to 9.5 hours

  • include a HDMI port, 16GB of storage, USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports, an HD webcam, an SD card slot

    If you decide to buy one, it comes with 100GB of Google Drive for free for two years. The HP Chromebook 14 is priced at around $299.99

2013년 9월 10일 화요일


Tessel an internet-connected microcontroller programmable in JavaScript that enable developers to extend the reach of the web to physical things. Since Tessel is compatible with Node.js and leverages the Node Package Manager, adding additional capabilities is as easy as plugging in a Tessel module and npm installing its firmware. Get Tessel and start making smart, internet connected devices!


Arduino Yún

Arduino Yún

  • price of 69$/52€ (vat not included) and distributors worldwide

  • ATMega32u4 microcontroller and on the Atheros AR9331 running Linino

  • a customized version of OpenWRT

  • Arduino IDE Version 1.5.4 (available now for download)

  • Temboo

Infographic iPhone5c vs Moto X

Infographic by Troy Dunham for Engadget

2013년 9월 9일 월요일

Qualcomm Toq

Qualcomm Toq

  • 3-4 days with average use,

  • 200Mhz ARM Cortex M3 processor

  • a 1.55-inch mirasol color display with a resolution of 288×192

  • an adjustable wrist band with integrated 220mAh battery

  • a backlight for dark area viewing

  • Bluetooth connectivity and a customized OS.

by Andrew Grush on September 9, 2013 2:32 pm

2013년 8월 26일 월요일

Arduino Pro Mini + WIZ550io (W5500)

Arduino Pro Mini + WIZ550io (W5500)



  • Web Server & LED Blink

A simple web server that shows and control the value of the LED Digital…

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  • Web Server & LED Blink

A simple web server that shows and control the value of the LED Digital using an Arduino Wiznet Ethernet shield. This sketch for GR-KURUMI is merged Web-server and LED Blink. You can do controlling and monitoring the RGB LED on GR KURUMI Board via Internet or Local Network.
After opening a web-browser and navigating to the Ethernet shield’s IP address, the GR-KURUMI will respond with just enough HTML for a browser to display the data. A RGB LED on GR-KURUMI is also controlled by the request of web-browser.

  • Circuit

  • Ethernet shield attached to pins 10, 11, 12, 13

  • Pin 22,23,24 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards.

  • Pin22: LED_RED

  • Pin23: LED_GREEN

  • Pin24: LED_BULE

  • SW

  • Code

  • Configuration of IP address

    IPAddress ip(192,168,1,177);

  • Initalize the Port (port80 is default for HTTP)

    EthernetServer server(80);

  • Parsing of HTTP GET Message

When web-page address is to on the Green LEN,
the received HTTP GET Message is as below,

GET /G0 HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml,....

So, 5th~7th data are parsed to control RGB LEDs.

//5th~7th data of HTTP GET Message is parsed as parse_arr
parse_arr[0] = '/'
parse_arr[1] = 'G'
parse_arr[2] = '0'

  • Contorl RGB LEDs as data pased from HTTP GET Message

    if(parse_arr[0] == '/'){
    case('R') :
    // => Red LED OFF
    if(parse_arr[2] == '0'){
    digitalWrite(led_red, HIGH);
    // => Red LED ON
    }else if(parse_arr[2] == '1'){
    digitalWrite(led_red, LOW);

  • Send a standard http response
    Check current LED status as digitalRead() and Send http respoonse inclued the LED status.

    int sensorReading = digitalRead(led_red);
    client.print(" is ");

  • Address Lists => Green OFF => Green ON => RED OFF => RED ON => BLUE OFF => BLUE ON => BLINK START => BLINK STOP

GR-KURUMI + Ethernet

GR-KURUMI (RL78/G13) + WIZ550io(W5500)

2013년 7월 31일 수요일



WIZ820io provides easy and simple Ethernet connectivity to small platforms like GR-KURUMI (Compatible with Arduino Pro Mini).
WIZnet W5200 ethernet chip is used in WIZ820io.
To use WIZ820io with GR-KURUMI, users need to replace 4 files in the Ethernet library for GR-KURUMI.




WIZ820io_GR_KURUMIPWDN, nINT signals are not used.



Install W5200 library

Download modified w5100.cpp & w5100.h and files (attached) and overwrite onto the”RLduino78/libraries/Ethernet/utility” folder in your project in e2studio.

  • Uncomment a below line in the modified w5100.h


  • Change MAX_SOCK_NUM as 8 on Ethernet.h in RLduino78/libraries.


SPI Configuration

    • Set SPI Mode as Mode0 and change the SPI.h in ” RLduino78/libraries/SPI” as below,


    • Set SPI Clock Divider (@16MHz)and change the in SPI.c in “RLduino78/libraries/SPI ” as below,


Using the W5200 library and evaluate existing Ethernet example.

All other steps are the same as the steps from the Arduino Ethernet Shield. You can find examples in the Arduino IDE, go to Files->Examples->Ethernet, open any example, then copy it to your sketch file (gr_sketch.cpp) and change configuration values properly.
After that, you can check if it is work well. For example, if you choose ‘WebServer’, you should change IP Address first and compile and download it. Then you can access web server page through your web browser of your PC or something.

Revision History

Initial Release : 28 July 2013